i think too much...

Self-Assured Hypocrite  

As I work on music and art, I always seem to reflect on too many things. As a person, I identify with multiple minorities which is great at times and horrendous at others. It is this constant feeling of aligning with people who do not necessarily stand with you. Knowing who you are conflicts with other parts of yourself in a hypocritical and confusing way. I do know that I have one thing going for me that has always self assured. I know exactly how I am, what I believe and what I want to do and that has helped me in more ways than I know.

New Year ,New Music  

It's a new year and I finally finished university ( which was the most gruelling experience but was worth it). I’m grateful that it is OVER. I am currently at a weird point in my life right now. I’m approaching adulthood and a career in a new way. The odd times of being twenty-something always seemed so distant, but now that is me. In between jobs and other projects, I’m left to my own devices. I am working on my music though. Which is the most terrifying and exciting thing I can do right now. I guess as the new year comes, I expect some of the biggest changes of my life to happen this year and I am cautiously excited about it.